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Disease Non-Battle Eye Injury-Corneal Ectasia, Spring 2019

Corneal ectasias are a category of eye diseases characterized by progressive steepening and thinning of the collagen-based corneal stroma. Individually, they are part of their own unique primary disease process or can occur as result of refractive surgery. Conditions characterized as corneal ectatic diseases include keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD), keratoglobus, and post-refractive surgical ectasia.


Non-Penetrating Blast-Related Injuries of the Eye and Optic Nerve, Winter 2019

The incidence of combat ocular trauma has increased with each military conflict due to the evolution of combat weaponry and tactics. 



War-Induced Intraocular Foreign Body: Its Diagnosis and Management 1917-2017; Spring 2018 

Regarding intraocular foreign bodies (IOFBs), it risks stating the obvious to declare that you can’t remove what you can’t see or don’t know is there. 



Orbital Fractures: Anatomy, Repair, and Surgical Considerations, Summer 2018 

The facial skeleton can be divided into three anatomic regions: (1) lower face (formed entirely by the mandibular bone); (2) mid-face including the zygomaticomaxillary complex and the naso-orbital-ethmoidal complex; and (3) upper face including the frontal and temporal bones and the frontal sinus. 


Operating in Unfriendly Territory, Fall 2018

The management of eye injuries and diseases during deployment, disasters, and mass casualty (MASCAL) events, humanitarian missions, and expeditionary situations presents unique challenges. 


Experiences of the 286th Eye Surgical Team During Operation Iraqi Freedom, Summer 2017

Perspectives from the Frontlines focuses on lessons learned (and relearned) from deployed providers. In this installment, we feature a detailed recollection from Dr. Sean Blaydon, MD FACS (then Army LTC) who deployed with the 286th  Eye Surgical Team during the initial expeditionary phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.



Historical Origins, Rationale, and Functions of The Military’s Deployed Head and Neck Team, Fall 2017

As the use of high-energy explosive devices has increased with each military conflict, so has the frequency of multi-system trauma involving the head, neck, and eye.

